Saturday, September 19, 2009


Shelby, Brittany and I ran up to Wegman's by the Great Northern Mall and as we drove by I caught something out of the corner of my eye....what was that? They did not see it so I actually made a u turn at the next light to make another pass ~ if you know that road it is fast moving so the next time I turned around in the back parking lot to look at the back side of it ??? What is it??? As I got closer the thing got bigger ~ these pictures do it no justice. I grabbed my camera out of my purse, which I have been keeping in my purse lately, and made another u turn. By this time, I was not the only car trying to figure out what the BIG WHITE SPOTTED thing was. Oh my gosh, it is a huge White Spotted Snowy Owl. You do not usually see these incredible birds around here unless you go to the Zoo. I am so glad we were able to get these pictures but wished I was able to get out of the car to get closer. I did not want to get rear ended on route 31 but this definitely was exciting to see and was happy to get these 3 quick photo's of this majestic bird. I thought for sure it would be on the news that night but maybe I was the only one that had a camera on that at the time this bird decided to make a stop. We went back the next day but of course it was not there. The kids said I should have called the Zoo or channel 9. Oh well, only a few of us got to enjoy such splendor!!! I would guess if I got up close to it, it would have been up between my knee and thigh.

If you have zoom you have to get closer to look at this beautiful bird!!!

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Race day at Palymra, New York

Race day at Palymra, New York
out front

Hello Rock to Eye

Hello Rock to Eye
that is why we wear goggles ~ was a pretty good shinner the next day!


we had to put tons of makeup on to tone the eye down a bit for the upcoming wedding of Ryan and Amanda