Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shelby's cooking lessons over the summer!

I bought Shelby a Junior Cookbook and a Jello dessert cookbook for Christmas but never had the time to sit down and actually help him with a meal so I decided that I would teach Shelby to cook over the summer. On Tuesday night he would go through the cookbook and pick a meal
and a dessert. On Wednesday morning we would go to Wegmans and buy the ingredients to prepare the meal and come home and cook all afternoon. Well, after cooking all afternoon, I thought that would be the end to Shelbys cooking experience. It started out as fun but then he got tired really quick after slaving over a hot stove for hours to then move on to preparing the dessert ~ to again move on to table preparation. If I was going to invest all this time into teaching him, I wanted the presentation to be just as important as the meal. Shelby even listed the meal on the board so that when you walked into the house you could see what was being served.

What a great job he did!!! I honestly did not think he would ever want to cook again after this but then the guys came home from work and thought (I, mom) was cooking and was raving over the unbelievable smell that was coming from the kitchen. And how good it looked. Shelby got so proud and let them know he was the cook today and this is what we had:

Rosemary Roast Chicken
Sauteed Green Beans
Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes
Fresh Salad with Homemade W.O.W. Salad Dressing (word of wisdom)
Fresh Italian Bread/Butter

and for Dessert:

Frozen Banana Bombe

I have to tell you the truth....The meal was incredible...had I not been their to help guide him with this meal, I would have thought he hired a professional cook to come in a prepare it for him!!!

He was so proud of himself and everyone could not believe he did it. He was so happy that when we finally finished up the meal he could not wait to plan the next weeks meal and dessert. More pictures to come of our summer cooking experience.

Oh, and the flowers came from our garden and Brittany helped Shelby fold the cloth napkins. What a great meal!!!

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Race day at Palymra, New York

Race day at Palymra, New York
out front

Hello Rock to Eye

Hello Rock to Eye
that is why we wear goggles ~ was a pretty good shinner the next day!


we had to put tons of makeup on to tone the eye down a bit for the upcoming wedding of Ryan and Amanda