Saturday, September 19, 2009

After surgery pictures - not for the squimish

Okay, whats a mom to do? I hate that he has
to go through this. Considering all that was done,
I guess you can say that it looks really good. He
had a drain this time that I had to pull out the following
day so the swelling is hardly anything like the first time.

The doctor called Sunny the next day to apologize
to him because the cut was half the size they told
him it would be. You know guys, they want the biggest
nastiest looking scare possible ???? What is wrong with
them :-( They were able to repair all his own parts and
not have to use any donor parts....way better but only
half the scar if they can fix your own. GUYS!!!

Now the therapy begins three times a week. This
is taking its toll on me. I use to be able to handle this
surgery stuff pretty good but in December I passed out
and this time I puked when I had to empty the drain.
I just got done eating a egg salad sandwich when Sunny said
the drain was full and of course when I went to do it (the nurses
said it is sooo easy) and it was, except they failed to warn me about
the possibility of it flying all over the place due to the vaccum seal
when we opened the plug!!!! I still think it was because of
the heavy egg salad on my stomach.....I really cannot handle
this stuff anymore. I am getting to old...haha

So we had a wheel chair for the week because Sunny did not want
to miss the New York State Fair. Can you believe him! Ohhhh to be
young again.

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Race day at Palymra, New York

Race day at Palymra, New York
out front

Hello Rock to Eye

Hello Rock to Eye
that is why we wear goggles ~ was a pretty good shinner the next day!


we had to put tons of makeup on to tone the eye down a bit for the upcoming wedding of Ryan and Amanda