Sunday, September 27, 2009

Charley Jean Stanford Drake "Carr"

4th Generation great granddaughter of Charles and Doris Stanford, Jr. :-) yeaaaaaa!!! Congratulations also to Carl and Dana on their first grandchild!!!

Charley Jean was born on September 25, 2009, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, 20 inches long. What a beautiful baby!!! Danielle did a great job having her totally natural.~ way to go! When she decides to have another baby she better camp on the hospital doorstep because when the doctor broke her water she went super fast :-). Congratulations Johnny and Danielle....we love you!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New York State Fair 2009

Sunny's Bestest of Friends from Georgia came
to visit him after his knee surgery ~ so what
better thing to do than to take them to the New
York State Fair. As usual, the pictures are posted
in reverse :-)

This is Shane Lusk (Sunny's new trainer), his friend Will
is in the back ground. The boys always goofing

Shane, Will, Kenny, Sharlie, Cassie and Shelby
went on a couple rides. Shelby was scared to death
of this ride last year so it has been a year long joke
to see if he has grown up a bit over the past year to
do the ride again. Yeaaaah, he made it but he said
it still was a very scary ride. He thought he was going
to pop out of the ride and of course the older ones
tried to make him think it truly was going to happen...
They always love to pick on the little

Finally, ride over....Shelby you did it!!!!

Sunny and his mechanic Brandon. It was a fun
filled day.

Did we win playing some games? Awwww
how sweet boys!

What is the fair without a couple tattoos

Now all Shane needs is a girl to give the rose

Sunny's first tattoo! At least it can wash off :-)

The weather was perfect ~ not to hot and not
to cold.
Shelby was the first one in on the act....although
I am posting in reverse....Day light to night time

And boy did we eat, and eat, and eat.....Gotta
love that food!!!

Brittany's little sister Val.....What a cutie!!!
I never did get Skyler in Brittany in a picture ~
what is wrong with me? We finally all split up and
went our own ways.....Hard keeping track of that
many of us.

Sunny's been a fishing fool

I do not like fish but the boys love to catch them
and then eat them. Sunny loves to fish, hunt and golf.

Not a bad catch.

And of course instead of using good knives to
cut up the fish he used a steak knife.

I think Kenny caught one of these fish too but
I am not sure.

Scott and I came home to the boys eating fish
that they cooked on the grill. They said it was
amazing. Yuck!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

After surgery pictures - not for the squimish

Okay, whats a mom to do? I hate that he has
to go through this. Considering all that was done,
I guess you can say that it looks really good. He
had a drain this time that I had to pull out the following
day so the swelling is hardly anything like the first time.

The doctor called Sunny the next day to apologize
to him because the cut was half the size they told
him it would be. You know guys, they want the biggest
nastiest looking scare possible ???? What is wrong with
them :-( They were able to repair all his own parts and
not have to use any donor parts....way better but only
half the scar if they can fix your own. GUYS!!!

Now the therapy begins three times a week. This
is taking its toll on me. I use to be able to handle this
surgery stuff pretty good but in December I passed out
and this time I puked when I had to empty the drain.
I just got done eating a egg salad sandwich when Sunny said
the drain was full and of course when I went to do it (the nurses
said it is sooo easy) and it was, except they failed to warn me about
the possibility of it flying all over the place due to the vaccum seal
when we opened the plug!!!! I still think it was because of
the heavy egg salad on my stomach.....I really cannot handle
this stuff anymore. I am getting to old...haha

So we had a wheel chair for the week because Sunny did not want
to miss the New York State Fair. Can you believe him! Ohhhh to be
young again.

Sunny's surgey day........

Oh no, not this again....didn't we just do this in

Walking into the Harrison Center at 6 a.m. to
have the ACL done on the right knee now.

Dad and Sunny just before they get him all doopy!

We both really hate this as any parent would. Never
like your child being put under.

I love you Sunny Bunny Boo Bear.....have good

This kid has a stomach of iron. He always wakes
up hundry and is upset when he gets ice chips
and toast!

Emily Trust was nice to stop by the hospital
to make sure Sunny was doing okay. He was
all doopy and had every one in stitches. I am sure
he does not remember any of this.

This is not a good time now. Some one give me
a shot of something.....anything!

trying to get alittle rest before they release me.
That bathroom break really did me in.

Well, they did the ACL, PCL, MCL, trimmed both
sides of the minicus and shaved the femur bone
down being my knee was up into the bone. No wonder
it hurt for so long.

Just leave me alone....I wanna sleep

Okay, I guess who ever made this same day surgery,
never had one done before. Thank you doctor for
ordering a nerve block in my groin before I left because
even with all that was repaired, it felt much better this time
than just the right ACL alone.

I am whole again!!!! Yeahhhhhh, lots of therapy ahead.

They love their cousin Shelby......

Out on the boat trying to keep Riliegh warm.

Oh baby it is cold in the back of the boat when
you are little!

Is it my turn yet? I want on the tube....

Okay, maybe not my turn yet? I wanna ride!

aaaaha, I won Landyn!!!!

Are fighting to the death??? What game is this?

Wack, I gotcha....commin get up and fight like
a man.

Oh no he is getting up...I think I am in trouble

It is time to Tango Shelby. :-)

Tyler loving the Turtle rides that Shelby gives

Hold on Tyler, I am going under!!!

I need air.....I am coming up

Finally, a breath of fresh air....this turtle stuff
is hard! :-)

aaaaah, I don't think so Skyler. I think you are
missing a part to that get up. Me thinkies you are
gonna get a headache with that get up!!!

Race day at Palymra, New York

Race day at Palymra, New York
out front

Hello Rock to Eye

Hello Rock to Eye
that is why we wear goggles ~ was a pretty good shinner the next day!


we had to put tons of makeup on to tone the eye down a bit for the upcoming wedding of Ryan and Amanda