Sunday, September 20, 2009

New York State Fair 2009

Sunny's Bestest of Friends from Georgia came
to visit him after his knee surgery ~ so what
better thing to do than to take them to the New
York State Fair. As usual, the pictures are posted
in reverse :-)

This is Shane Lusk (Sunny's new trainer), his friend Will
is in the back ground. The boys always goofing

Shane, Will, Kenny, Sharlie, Cassie and Shelby
went on a couple rides. Shelby was scared to death
of this ride last year so it has been a year long joke
to see if he has grown up a bit over the past year to
do the ride again. Yeaaaah, he made it but he said
it still was a very scary ride. He thought he was going
to pop out of the ride and of course the older ones
tried to make him think it truly was going to happen...
They always love to pick on the little

Finally, ride over....Shelby you did it!!!!

Sunny and his mechanic Brandon. It was a fun
filled day.

Did we win playing some games? Awwww
how sweet boys!

What is the fair without a couple tattoos

Now all Shane needs is a girl to give the rose

Sunny's first tattoo! At least it can wash off :-)

The weather was perfect ~ not to hot and not
to cold.
Shelby was the first one in on the act....although
I am posting in reverse....Day light to night time

And boy did we eat, and eat, and eat.....Gotta
love that food!!!

Brittany's little sister Val.....What a cutie!!!
I never did get Skyler in Brittany in a picture ~
what is wrong with me? We finally all split up and
went our own ways.....Hard keeping track of that
many of us.

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Race day at Palymra, New York

Race day at Palymra, New York
out front

Hello Rock to Eye

Hello Rock to Eye
that is why we wear goggles ~ was a pretty good shinner the next day!


we had to put tons of makeup on to tone the eye down a bit for the upcoming wedding of Ryan and Amanda