Monday, February 23, 2009

Babies, Babies and more Babies :-)

It is hard to believe all the new babies around us lately...I am proud to be a honorary grandma to Kaylee and Saige. No grandbabies yet from my own children and that is okay, especially now that I have Kaylee and Saige to pamper and spoil. Kaylee is as smart as a whip and at 5 years old should be in some sort of a gifted program to continue with her advanced learning. Saige is just like her big sister ~ so alert and taking everything around her in ~ you can tell already she has the bestest personality and always (for me) full of smiles. I just love them to pieces!!! I told Kaylee today I was going to call her my little Kayleecakes like we use to do with our neice who is now almost 19 and her response to that was "well, I've been called alot of things but never a Kayleecake". I laughed so hard, she is a kick in the pants with her comments.

On January 27th our nephew and his beautiful wife added a new addition to their family tree with the birth of their third child (a bouncing healthy baby boy of 9 pounds 6 ounces named Koby). What a beautiful looking boy! Kudoos to Crystal for having such a big baby. For a week straight all I could think about was that POOR POOR girl. She did a great job and as usual had another beautiful baby. This makes 1 daughter and two sons....following in the same order as us so if they have another I bet it will be a BOY! She is gonna have her hands full with the three of them 3 and a half and under. Riliegh will be 4 in April.

Next, on February 20th, our beautiful neice Racheal, had her third child via c-section, her first DAUGHTER, named Brinley Grace. She is absolutely gorgeous!!! She weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces. Racheal will also have her hands full with her babies also being close in age, all being 3 and a half and under. I am so excited to have all these little ones around to rock. Racheal did a great job too driving to the hospital in that major snowstorm ~ I would have thought twice about leaving the house. Hopefully Jimmy got some pictures of the Great Outdoors on the way ~ hehehe

Needless to say, it has been a busy few months and that is why I haven't posted much lately. My own kids have been keeping me busy and we have had quite a few colds and sicknesses since the holidays ~ winter ~ blah, blah, blah ~ I cannot wait until spring. Please hurry and get here!!!! I will try to get the pictures of the three families and their little ones and hopefully they will post in the right order (or not). :-) if you have been following my blog you'll understand that I do have a problem with that. I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day and remembered to love your sweetheart!



The Conger's said...

Aww....that was a nice post!! We can't thank you enough for all you do for us & the girls!! I don't know what we would do without our "Gramma Diane" & "Poppa Scott" <3

~Paige~ said...

How fun! I visited Saige in the hospital with Crystal she is cute and so is Brinley! It will be a busy time when we come home to visit with two new babies in the fam! We love you guys and miss you all so much, hopefully you guys will be around when we come home sometime in March I think! Xoxo

Race day at Palymra, New York

Race day at Palymra, New York
out front

Hello Rock to Eye

Hello Rock to Eye
that is why we wear goggles ~ was a pretty good shinner the next day!


we had to put tons of makeup on to tone the eye down a bit for the upcoming wedding of Ryan and Amanda